Eymen1 Uluslararası İnşaat San. Ve Tic. Limited the Law on the Protection of Personal Data ClarificationText
Inaccordance withThe 10th articletitled "DisclosureObligation of Data Officer" of theLaw on theProtection of Personal Data ("KVKK") numbered 6698, published in theOfficialGazette No. 29677 dated April 7, 2016, whichaimstoprotectthefundamentalrightsandfreedoms of individuals, especiallytheprivacy of private life, in theprocessing of personal dataandtheCommuniqué on theProceduresandPrinciplesforFulfillingtheDisclosureObligationpublished in the Official Gazette No. 30356 dated March 10, 2018, Withthis Clarification Text, weaimtoinformyouaboutyourpersonal data processedbyourCompanyEymen1 Uluslararasi Insaat San. Ve Tic. Limited.
Eymen1 İnşaat has thetitle of "Data Supervisor" withinthescope of KVKK andrelatedregulationsandyou can reach us throughthecontactinformationgivenbelow.
Telephone :+90 312 287 29 99
Fax : +90 312 287 29 90
E-mail :info@eymeninsaat.com
Yourpersonal data belowareprocessedwithinthescope of yourrelationshipwith Eymen1 İnşaat;
Identity Data: Name, surname, T.R. Identity number, date of birth, place of birth, maritalstatus, nationality, identitycard / driver'slicense, motherandfather's name, name andsurname of dependents
Contact Data: E-mail address, phonenumberandaddress
Professional experience: Graduateduniversity, operator / VQA documents, diploma information
Special QualityPersonal Data: Criminalrecordrecord, healthreport
Financial Data: Bank accountinformation
Physical Space Security: Security camerarecordings
Visual andAuditory Data: Photograph of therealperson
Other: Signature
Yourpersonal data obtainedwithinthescope of yourrelationshipwith Eymen1 İnşaat areprocessedforthefollowingpurposes.
Conducting of EmployeeCandidates' Application Processes
Conducting Training ActivitiesforEmployeeSatisfaction
Fulfillment of EmploymentContractandLegislativeObligationsforEmployees
Conducting of VestedBenefitsandInterestsProcessesforEmployees
Conducting of Finance and Accounting Affairs
EnsuringPhysical Space Security
Performing Business Activities
Conducting of Human Resourcesprocesses
Execution of Goods / Service PurchaseProcesses
Conducting Management Activities
Yourpersonal data, withinthescope of theprovisions of theLawregardingthe transfer of personal data andtransferring it abroad, forthepurposes of article 3 of thisClarificationText; can be transferredtoofficialinstitutionsandorganizations in Turkey, courtsandenforcementoffices, thirdpartyrealand legal personswithwhichwearerelated, service providercompaniesandofficials, businesspartners, banks, ourCompanyshareholders, groupcompaniesandaffiliates, suppliersandsupport service providers.
Yourpersonal data is stored,processedandcollectedfromyou,thirdpartiesand legal authoritiesduringtheestablishment of a legal relationshipwithEymen1 UluslararasiInsaat San. Ve Tic. Ltdandduringthecontinuation of therelationship in questionthrough internet, telephone, e-mail andphysical, written, verbalandelectronicchannels, based on thereasons of compliancewiththelawstated in theprovisions of article 5, 6 and 8 of theLawwithinthescope of thepurposesstatedabove.
Yourpersonal data of specialnaturearecollected, storedandprocessedbased on thefollowing legal compliancereasons:
Personal data otherthanhealth, withoutseekingexpressconsent in casesstipulatedbylaw,
Personal data relatedtohealth, on theotherhand, can only be collectedbypersonsunderconfidentialityobligationorauthorizedinstitutionsandorganizationsforthepurpose of protectingpublichealth, conductingpreventivemedicine, medicaldiagnosis, treatmentandcareservices, planningandmanaginghealthservicesandtheirfinancing, withoutseekingtheexpressconsent of theconcernedperson.
Inaccordancewiththeprovisions of Article 11 of theLaw, youhavethefollowingrights in relationtoyourpersonal data:
You can sendyourcredentialsrequiredtouseyourdisclosedrightswiththe PERSONAL DATA OWNER APPLICATION FORM, whichcontains a detailedexplanation of therightyouwanttouseandthesubject of yourrequest, usingone of themethodsspecified in thisapplication form.
Applications to be made in thiscontextwill be acceptedfollowingtheidentityverificationby us, andyourrequestswill be concluded as soon as possibleandwithin 30 days at thelatest, depending on thenature of therequest. Iftheapplication is answered in writing, nofeewill be chargedforupto 10 pages, and a transactionfee of 1 Turkish Lira may be chargedforeachpageabove 10 pages. Iftheanswertotheapplication is given in a recordingmediumsuch as CD orflashmemory, a feemay be charged in theamount of thecost of therecordingmedium.